The Importance of a Support System When Starting a Business

Image of two hands hold a black felt heart. Meant to represent the question: Why is a support system important when starting a business?

How often have you had a new idea or were about to do something scary and exciting, only to have a loved one shut it down as soon as you shared it with them?

Maybe you’ve decided to take a leap of faith and step into new territory. You’re about to push yourself way outside of your comfort zone, but you feel ready! It might sound a little crazy, or even way crazy, but you can’t imagine not going for it.

You run to your closest friend to work out all the details, still bubbling over with nerves and excitement, your body itching to take action. But their reaction isn’t what you expected.

They’re not smiling with you. They’re not bouncing up and down with joy or running to grab the nearest pen and paper to jot down ideas and start planning.

They look worried. Maybe even a little disappointed.

They’re quiet at first. And then, they begin listing all the reasons why this may not be the best idea.

Why you should rethink things.

Why it isn’t safe.

Why you shouldn’t do it.

You instantly feel like the flame of a candle forcefully blown out. Your dream feels so much farther away than it did before. Fear, shame, and embarrassment take the place of the giddy excitement you felt before.

So, you forget about your dream. You shut the door on it the same way your loved ones extinguished your flicker of passion:

Quickly and without question.

Instead of creating a product that would change millions of lives, instead of quitting your corporate job and starting a coaching business that would inspire countless women to live their potential, you’re watching others do it from the safety of your comfort zone.

This isn’t uncommon.

Too often, we go to someone we trust with an exciting idea and we immediately get shut down.

They tell us our idea is crazy.”

It’s “too risky.

It’ll “never work for this, that, and the third reason.”

And too often, we listen. We believe what they tell us, and we give up before we’ve even started.

This is why having a solid support system while you’re starting your business is so important – people who cheer you on through both the celebrations and the challenges.

It’s the difference between a shut door and the first step into a life-changing opportunity.

The Importance of a Support System

Creating a network of people that can support you both practically and emotionally shouldn’t be overlooked when starting your business.

A support system provides you with people you can rely on when you need them most and people you can lean on when challenging situations arise.

Alone time is reasonable and necessary, but not all things should be done alone.

How often do your strong feelings lead to terrifying what-if scenarios – carrying you down rabbit holes full of negative thoughts that may not even relate to what you felt so strongly about in the first place?

Our minds are powerful and very influential on our reality. It’s important not to spend time dwelling on these often-unwarranted negative thoughts. Being with others who share your vision gets you out of your head, bringing you out of your inner world and back into the external, present reality.

Having people in your court to safely share these strong feelings with keeps you from spiraling into thoughts of doubt and fear about your business, especially when you’re first starting.

It’s crucial to feel “witnessed” through tough emotions. A support system makes you feel seen, held, and safe through the chaos, so you can easily let go of intense negative feelings and move through your business without these blocks.

Image of three female entrepreneurs physically supporting each other as they walk. Meant to represent the question: Why is a support system important when starting a business?

Building a strong support system also means you have people to celebrate and share exciting news with – because it’s always beneficial to share and bring focus to your wins as a business owner!

Plus, you get the opportunity to celebrate and support others as they achieve similar goals.

Celebrating others who have accomplished something that you desire pulls that energy towards you, attracting your desire like a magnet, much like how a vision board works. Your subconscious mind and body feel like you’re already celebrating the win for yourself, bringing you that much closer to your desire!

When you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, you can brainstorm, collaborate, and grow together. You have access to new inspiration and ideas.

Finally, networking helps your business grow. The more people you know, the farther your reach. (Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth.)

There’s no arguing the importance of a healthy support system when starting your entrepreneurial career.

But what do you do if your current support system isn’t cutting it? If those you thought supported you have a change of heart and can’t get on board with your dreams? If your foundation of support crumbles?

Unhealthy Support Systems

Sometimes we share something we’re over-the-moon excited about with a friend only to be met with criticism, doubt, and disbelief.

We instantly lose faith in ourselves.

Even those we trust and love most can be the ones who cause the most damage to our dreams – often unconsciously, when they’re actually trying to help! (Jen Sincero talks about this further in her book You Are A Badass.”)

Sometimes people will only celebrate once you have it all, once the chance of failure doesn’t seem as imminent.

The truth is, people only fear you will fail because they THEMSELVES do not believe they could accomplish what you are doing.

They project their fears and doubts onto you.

Their criticism has nothing to do with your potential, abilities, or ideas.

However, we make it mean so much about ourselves, and end up taking on their fears as our own.

This doesn’t mean you need to toss these people out of your life. Just because they don’t support your dreams doesn’t mean they have bad intentions.

But it may be time to start monitoring what you choose to share with them.

Tips For Building a Healthy Support System

The most important thing you can do is trust that you are worthy and capable of everything you wish to accomplish in this life. Trust your desires and dreams, and trust that they’re yours for a reason.

People can toss their concerns and judgments your way all they want, but when you have a sturdy foundation made up of your own beliefs in your dreams and worth, and when you know that you are capable of achieving anything – you’re unstoppable.

Image of three female entrepreneurs around a fire. Meant to represent the question: Why is a support system important when starting a business?

Support systems come and go. They evolve as you and your business grow.

There will be people who question and doubt your intentions, and there will be people thrilled and ready to support you. You’ll run into both types of people as a business owner.

Your job is to find and surround yourself with the latter.

Never hold back on realizing your dreams and starting your business, even if your support system feels weak.

  1. Review your current social circles

    Take a look at your current support groups and how they make you feel. Do you feel safe sharing your big ideas with them? Do these people raise you up and motivate you? Inspire you? Celebrate with you when you’re excited and reassure you when you’re upset? Evaluate where your current support system stands and what changes need to be made.

  2. Join a workout group or sports team in your area

    Meet and interact with others in your area by joining a local group that feels exciting to be a part of. It could be a weekly dance class, a softball team, or a bowling league – tap into your inner child and follow what feels fun! Connecting with others means an opportunity to meet new people with similar interests.

  3. Go on a retreat

    What better way to get to know like-minded individuals than to go on a vacation with them? Retreats are often tailored to a specific niche. Find a retreat that aligns with your goals and desires. Other attendees most likely chose that retreat for the same reasons. You’re bound to be surrounded by a handful of women with very similar goals and passions as yours.

  4. Connect with others who share your interests

    Out of a whopping 7 billion people on this planet, we can assure you that there is bound to be somebody out there with interests similar to yours. Facebook groups and online group courses are a great place to start looking. They provide you with access to hundreds of women who share similar aspirations and goals. You’ll find endless tips, motivation, and support in these settings.

  5. Hire a coach

    At first, this seems counterintuitive, we know – a bit like “buying your friends.” You may be paying these people, but business coaches (or any type of life coach) often have your best interest in mind. They want to see you succeed. They want to help you thrive. It’s their literal job! If you feel like you don’t have anyone on your side, having just one SUPER cheerleader and support sister will make all the difference. Not to mention the added bonus of a support system that comes with the best advice ever.

Never hold back on realizing your dreams and starting your business, even if your support system feels weak.

Take the first step and start looking for the support you need today. They’re waiting with open arms, big smiles, and the nearest pen and paper for brainstorming.

Written by Lara Carney


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